The newest Storm in Jomsborg, Utland (the outer lands) embodies what it means to be a 21st century Viking. Culturally diverse, the groups of Utland have taken history and legends of the Viking Age and brought them kicking and screaming into the modern day. United under the leadership of Utland Storm commander Dave Kilbourn, Utland began in Texas and has been the foothold of Jomsborg in the Americas. Now the time has come for the Storm to break on the shores of the west! The oathsworn of Utland are defining the frontier of Jomsborg's path in the New World. They now have groups in Texas, Massachussets, Florida, New York, Mexico, Columbia and Chile. Cherishing their European inspiration, they strive to expand and evolve the modern Viking culture in the Americas.


They have blazed their own trail, demanding dedication and excellence in the standards of fighting. They see all competitive styles as equally important, the primary aim being a modern martial art using Viking Age weapons. Also special to Utland, their household of non-combatants and craftspeople – known as the hearth – thrives as much as the martial part of Utland.

Utland mounts regular ventures to the Old World to take part in the biggest competitions and festivals, as well as taking local shows, filmwork and educational demonstrations in their stride. To quote the Storm leader, Dave Kilbourn: to thrive on the frontier you must create the world in which you want to live. This challenge calls to the best of us as Vikings and we face it with the exultant conviction that the best is always yet to come.



Contact Dave Kilbourn -

Stom leader



Utland Storm Lags